I help leaders overcome entrepreneurial
self- sabotage

I help leaders overcomewealth blocks

I doubled my boyfriends income in less than 6 months, all while realizing that tiny beliefs unlock BIG money. What tiny belief is costing you millions of dollars right now?

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Thumbnail from video.
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Tiny beliefs unlock BIG money

One tiny subconscious belief is costing you millions of dollars. I help you discover which one it is.

If they can, you can.

There are dumber people with a worse product or service making way more money than you. It’s time we change that.

You don’t need new skills

You don't need more credentials. You don't need new tactics. What you need is the right mindset.

The Hidden Force

There's a hidden force...

That hidden force is  the subconscious self-sabotage that has been installed in you from seemingly harmless and benign situations from your past.

This hidden force stops you from becoming the person you have to be in order to achieve the success that you desire.

Subconscious Mind Mastery

Subconscious Edge in Wealth Mindset

Retrain your subconscious to end self-sabotage and shift your identity to align with the person it takes to be a millionaire.

You have the skills and the talents. The final ingredient is the identity shift it takes to get the results you desire.

Wealth Beyond Limits

Unleashing Wealth, Removing Limits

Eliminate the hidden wealth blocks to unleash your subconscious, allowing it to magnetize more money into your life.

When you change your beliefs, your behviours change, then your results change.

Past clients and

Past clients and

Testimonial client picture.
Testimonial client picture.
Testimonial client picture.
Testimonial client picture.
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Testimonial client picture.
Testimonial client picture.

Why clients love working with me

Explore the inspiring stories of leaders who have transformed their wealth, doubling or even tripling their incomes.
Testimonial client picture.
Eric Ferguson
Life Coach
Things in my perspective and field of awareness started to change. I realized some old patterns that were...
Testimonial client picture.
Kristina Fleckinger
Christy helped gently open my eyes to an issue that has been holding me back in life for a very long time...
Testimonial client picture.
Kyla Long
Body Builder / Athlete
Working with Christy has been a game changer for my personal growth as an individual and an athlete...
Testimonial client picture.
Katharina Schaefer
It was truly an emotional experience that made me face an area in my mind that I kinda avoided...
Testimonial client picture.
Soenke Venjacob
Men’s Coach
After the session I felt an immediate change in my money mindset, because I felt the urge to 10x my income goals...
Client Image Small
Obai Me
Self-Improving Enthusiast
I would say this one session only gave me the key to start fixing some unresolved issues that's been holding me back...
Testimonial client picture.
Giovanni Candriella
Podcast Host
I felt as if I had let go of much of the weight I’ve been carrying on meaninglessly for too long time...
Testimonial client picture.
Tiago Pereira
Web Designer
It was so relaxing and smooth that I quickly got engaged with the process, and some minutes later...
Client Image Small
Sam Herring
Martial Artist/Actor/Model
After just the one session, I felt a profound sense of readiness to release some deep-seated childhood...
Testimonial client picture.
Yannick Durindel
Store Owner
Christy really gave me an eye-opening session that helped me see better through my life and accept some things. Now...
Testimonial client picture.
Eli Facenda
Travel Entrepreneur
It was powerful to connect to some memories I completely forgot about where I had made meaning...

Who am I &
What I do

Who am I &
What I do

Testimonial client picture.
I am a Rapid Transformational Therapist using neuroscience and hypnotherapy to rewire the brain.
My mentor is world leading therapist Marisa Peer. After doubling my boyfriend’s income by rewiring his brain and removing his wealth blocks, I realized that this process could be replicated.

I started to use the same process with more and more clients and low and behold, my clients got the same results.
Testimonial client picture.
Testimonial client picture.
Christy Working.
Christy Working.
Christy Working.
Christy Working.
Christy Working.
Christy Working.
Christy Working.

What we will accomplish

What we will accomplish


Christy Working.

Discovering Your Subconscious Blocks

We'll identify limiting beliefs and behaviors that are holding you back, uncovering their root causes to set the stage for transformation.
Christy Working.

Liberating Your Mind's Potential

This stage focuses on actively letting go of those identified limiting beliefs and behaviors.

By releasing these constraints, you pave the way for a profound mental and emotional transformation, setting a foundation for positive change.
Christy Working.

Transforming Thoughts and Actions

Here, you'll learn to reshape your beliefs and behaviors.

Understanding that changing your thoughts is key to changing your life, this phase empowers you with tools and strategies for a lasting mindset shift, leading to a more fulfilling life.
Christy Working.

Creating Your Ideal Future

In the final phase, it's time to design your dream life and spring into action.

You'll craft a clear, actionable plan to achieve your aspirations, applying the insights and changes from the previous phases to turn your dreams into reality.

Discovering Your Subconscious Blocks

We'll identify hidden limiting beliefs and behaviors that are holding you back, uncovering their root causes to set the stage for wealth transformation.

We must make the unconscious, conscious.

Liberating Your Mind's Potential

This stage focuses on actively letting go of those identified wealth blocks and success blocks.

By releasing these constraints, you pave the way for a profound transformation, setting a foundation for shifting into a new identity.

Transforming Thoughts and Actions

Here, you'll learn to reshape your beliefs and behaviors.

Understanding that changing your thoughts is key to changing your life, this phase empowers you with tools and strategies for a lasting mindset

The Millionaire Identity

In the final phase, it's time to upgrade your identity. You'll become who you need to be in order to build the wealth and success you desire.

Your subconscious goes to work for you to turn your dreams into reality.
Christy Working.Christy Working.Christy Working.Christy Working.

theta state

Upgrade Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life

Upgrade your mind, upgrade your Life

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Repeatedly reinforce new, positive patterns for lasting change.
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Actively discard old, restrictive beliefs and keep them from coming back.
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Introduce and embed new, powerful beliefs to shape a better reality.

Empowering High Achievers To

Empowering High Achievers

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Overcome fears and negative self-talk. Release the need for approval from those who don't share your vision.
Overcome fears and negative self-talk. Release the need for approval from those who don't share your vision.
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Develop self-trust for daily clarity. Build a new neural framework to prepare for your dream life.
Develop self-trust for daily clarity. Build a new neural framework to prepare for your dream life.
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Move beyond limiting money beliefs and worthiness issues. Embrace self-love to become your best version.
Move beyond limiting money beliefs and worthiness issues. Embrace self-love to become your best version.
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Turn anxiety into excitement. Transform overwhelm into a state of flow.
Turn anxiety into excitement. Transform overwhelm into a state of flow.
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Understand and articulate your big dreams. Ignore the opinions of those who don't understand them.
Understand and articulate your big dreams. Ignore the opinions of those who don't understand them.
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Foster personal growth and development. Equip yourself for building your dream life.
Foster personal growth and development. Equip yourself for building your dream life.

Are you ready to make that change? Let's do this!

Are you ready to make that change? Let's do this!